Miracles of sai baba shirdi
Miracles of sai baba shirdi

miracles of sai baba shirdi

Those who conspired wanted to have some fun at the expense of Mad Fakir. The mad Fakir looked unperturbed and returned to Masjid (Dwarkamai). One day out of conspiracy all the Telis (oil man) denied to give oil to the mad Fakir. Somehow it was conspired with all the shopkeepers (known as Telis, who owned small local oil mills) that the mad Fakir has to be denied with the free oil, with which he burns the lamps in the Masjid. Another of His act that would make him look mad.

miracles of sai baba shirdi

He loved to light oil lamps with wicks in Masjid. The mad Fakir (Sufi Beggar) used to beg for oil. Two miracles changed the attitude of the villagers residing in Shirdi. A mad beggar who begged for the food, smoked chillum (an earthen pipe used in India, which is filled with tobacco or other substances) and looked unconcerned with society in general. In fact before His miraculous powers were revealed, He was considered a mad Muslim Fakir (Sufi) by most of the villagers. This is just one of many many miracles that happened in Shirdi. Sai Baba said "Now you may fall", and the roof came crashing down. After the meal was completed, every one came out to the safer place. The close devotees who had Faith (Shraddha) in Baba also continued to eat their meal along with Him. Sai Baba in the thundering voice called out wait, and continued to eat the afternoon meal. Some of devotees took to their heals fearing of getting being crushed under the rubble of the collapsed roof. Every one knew that the slab would come crashing down. A cracking sound was herd, while the lunch was being eaten, from the roof of the old building. In the noon time regularly, few devotees would eat their meal with Him. Once Sai Baba was eating with fellow devotees.

miracles of sai baba shirdi

Speaking of miracles many happened in Dwarkamai.ĭwarkamai was old and neglected building until Shri Sai, choose it to settle down in Shirdi. Yet He chose the place for the sacred gold the place possesses. The masjid which he lovingly called Dwarkamai ( Sacred Mother) was not in a good condition. Miracles were day to day affair in Shirdi while Sai Baba was embodied and lived in a small village of Shirdi.

Miracles of sai baba shirdi